Monday, December 15, 2014

The Deconstruction Continues

The Stonewave continues to diminish. Each weekend I get several hours of subtraction in and the results can be seen below. The main form is now only about 4 feet tall. The stone has to go somewhere. Currently it is in several six foot stacks down the beach a way. Storage facilities as it were. I am also putting some of the large stones in a stack on the end of the current structure for the time being. By the solstice I should be down to ground level at one end and as weather permits, I'll work my way across. The top picture is part of a recent painting that I just completed. I'll photograph the whole thing one of these days. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It looks like an ancient cliff this created entirely from flat stones on the spot or is it based on something that was present? Is this art or archaeology? A fantastic creation.