Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The Stonewave has been dismantled for a while and some new sculptures are in the works, but I am going to sidetrack to another project that I am working on. While spending so much time down at the beach working with the stone I became much more aware of the cycles of weather and the changing landscape of the beach and all kinds of little natural events that I was able to witness just because I was present. These experiences moved me to record some of them in small scale watercolors. As long as I have known of Japanese blockprints I have been blown away by them and great works like the 100 Famous Views of Edo served as a kind of challenge. Could I do 100 images of the beach? So stealing what was necessary from Hiroshige and Hokusai and others I began to think in terms of 100 Views of the Lake. This inspiration from the blockprint artists was combined with the Thoreau-esque idea of traveling "a good deal in Concord", except in this case, its traveling extensively on my beach or at the peninsula. So here are a few examples of the 100 Views...

This is one of my favorite winter views. The ice dunes were spectacular that winter and in the light of that particular day, the water had a beautiful green cast to it.
One of the first Fall ones I did was this one of some brilliant Staghorn Sumac leaves lying on the beach on top of a sheet of Zebra Mussel shells that lined the beach.
This is one of most recent paintings. The lily ponds that are all over the peninsula have a wealth of interesting plant species and its easy to understand Monet's fascination with lilies.

Spring on the beach may be the most challenging as weather is haphazard and the light can never be counted on for long, but one morning there were some great blues as the sun rose.

So here are four of the 52 that I have completed so far. They are slated to be exhibited in Wilmington, Delaware in October and here in Erie in the Spring. 48 to go. It has been interesting so far.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well, if you haven't been down to the beach in a while, the Stonewave has gone the way of all waves. It took a bit of effort, but it has disappeared. Many thanks to all of the people who helped by heaving, hauling or kind words scrawled on stone or made in passing. Special thanks for the ostentatious offering (MM and BC). It made me laugh out loud and I ate the pears on the spot. Sorry I didn't get back to you Charles, but thanks for the comments. It was a nice project while it lasted and I hope you come back...strange things wash up on that stretch of beach all of the time.