A light snow in early December made getting up and down off the stones a bit tricky but it was pretty and very peaceful along the water and eventually the cold seems to go away. But things are looking pretty good . I figure two more good weekends of work and I'll have the second wavecrest done...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sisyphus at Play
A light snow in early December made getting up and down off the stones a bit tricky but it was pretty and very peaceful along the water and eventually the cold seems to go away. But things are looking pretty good . I figure two more good weekends of work and I'll have the second wavecrest done...
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Waves of Autumn
Stone and wood are still being tossed ashore by the lake on the days when there is a little surf. But most days of late have been glass calm. I was coming down off the bluff on Sunday and you could see the bottom of the lake about 40 feet out as if there were no water , it was so clear.
Here is the first crest as of Saturday last, before I had Sunday to finish it off. You can see that the light was pretty clear and clean that afternoon. If I didn't have other obligations, on days like this, I could stay down there and work until dark. It is so calm and peaceful. Even the waves respectfully keep themselves quiet when it is like this.
From the east end looking up the wave this is what it is like now. This whole end was vandalized at the end of summer, but now with little reason to go down to the beach, things will stay undamaged, hopefully.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Cycles of Growth and Destruction
Monday, October 26, 2009
Asteroid Impact

Monday, October 5, 2009
Stone and Wood-Reconfiguring the Beach

Whenever that happens the surf line will run up on shore almost to the base of the bluffs and when it's had its way it will leave behind a collar of driftwood and often a ridge of stone as well. The aftermath of this storm was no different. Logs were piled up along our stretch of beach.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Equinox on the Beach...almost

I must say that there is nothing quite like spending the day on the shore with its repetitious rush of wave to beach, accompanied by the wind in the leaves, shishing back and forth like calloused hands rubbing together. All this lit by the yellow sun that has lost its white summer intensity and glows instead of shines in a soft blue sky.
Brian brought some fish and we put them out in the water a ways. It was a bit tricky getting them into the bottom of the lake because of all of the stone, and then at the moment we decided to put them in the water, the surf decided to kick up. Although the water was actually warmer than the air, I was a bit offended at the assault. The way the fish were leaping out of the water was made even more appealing by their movements caused by the waves. It was a nice little kinetic effect and in the end well worth the dampening of our parts.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Revisiting Some Old Work

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Crazy Things Washing Ashore

And there was a beautiful sunset to finish the day off, so I guess this counts as a pretty good day to be alive.
And for you recent commenters, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The New Wave Grows

This is what it looks like from land and at this angle the waves look more like what I want them to look like.