Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Sketch

I have not been down to the beach for many sunsets this year, having instead usually gone down in the early afternoon, but on this occasion I was lucky enough to enjoy a nice blood red sun. These usually bring out a range of purples and indigos and blues and they also have a tendency to light up the things on shore with interesting effects. In this case a transluscent fish...

...or a section of wall gets gilded. It is always a pleasant evening light with which to experience the beach.

I did a little sketch on our expanding beach. As lake levels lower a bit and a three day blow from the east, probably thanks to the hurricanes rolling up the eastern seaboard, deposited a goodly new stretch of beach I have inherited a bigger area to play. So here is the first of the fall eforts. It turned out OK, but was just something to get me back into the addiction. Everytime I do one of these little stone ones I'm newly amazed at the range of colors these beach cobbles come in.

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