Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gnomon and a Painting for January

Last weekend was the coldest offering of the winter. The lake has started to lock back up again with temperatures in the single digits. I spent a couple of hours working and the pleasure/pain principle was kicking in. My gloves have the fingertips missing because they've worn through and the stones were so cold, that at times my fingers were sticking to them.
But this is also the most enjoyable time to work because of the silence. The wind is down, there is no surf and the beach is empty. The cold just seems to disappear because of the focus of the moment.
I've dismantled the old stonewave down to the level where it is safe and now I'm ready to rebuild. I'll start this coming weekend to work my way upward, but in the mean time I took a few slabs out onto the ice dunes and set them up to see what they would look like. One of the stones was about 4.5 feet long and almost square in cross section. I dragged it up to the top of the highest ice dune, a newly formed cone and planted the shaft there. Against the blue sky it had a nice feel to it. I'll be curious to see if it survives the week.

Finished a second painting for January. Another in the Pattern Recognition series. Taking what I learned in Guatemala and applying it to the beach.


Greg Brown said...

That's a really engaging painting! I love it.

julie said...

Hey, Jamie ~

Check out the patterning that Lisa does with photos -- lisafrankphotography.com -- it's not unlike your painting.

Click on "Galleries" for "Nature of Pattern."
