Tuesday, October 13, 2015

A Prodigal Son Makes an Offering

It has been a while since I have been here, but I have been preparing for a solo show since December that had about 35 paintings, 30 digital photos and a large stone installation. These things take some time and energy and something had to give, so among the things I gave up were eating and blogging. Now the show is up and running so I make an offering. Below is a frontal view of the current "Beachwork" along with a side view. It is about 14 feet high and runs up the bluff about 45 feet. Work has come to a temporary halt as resources are currently unavailable. But this is the state of things as we move into Fall.

On a perfect October weekend I went down to the lake to do some tinkering and beachcombing. The result were these two pieces with white stone, milkweed leaves and sticks.

This is just a strange message sent by the lake. I am unable to translate it, but it looks interesting.

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