Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Long Time Gone

I am not entirely ready to return to this place. Much has happened since the last post that has changed  my life in ways that I am only beginning to understand. So this is my first try. The painting immediately below I finished on May 20th, the painting at the bottom is the first painting I finished after May 21. They are for Jesse, whatever that means.


Anonymous said...

They're beautiful.

Anonymous said...

glad to see your back, my brother

Josh Borowicz said...

Paintings are like poems. They don't have to mean, just be. They're best that way. Sending a little love, a few tears.

Lita said...

I am also glad you are posting again. Courage.

GriffinCurrie said...

These are absolutely beautiful, Dr. Borowicz! I always enjoy seeing your work. And this one in particular is wonderful. Very colorful. Very calming.