Wednesday, December 5, 2012

An Arbolisk in the Making

So I have been working on this painting pretty much all of November and now into December. The idea is to mount the painting on a sculptural form, in this case a truncated obelisk without a point. So I cut the paintings to be narrower at the top and then arranged them so that they would fit together side to side.  Each edge would connect up with the edge of the painting on either side. The end result would be a kind of a tree trunk, but squared off.
These are the four sides seen separately. I have not attached them to the form yet and I have to finish the platform, but possibly by the weekend, this piece will be complete for all intents and purposes. I am currently liking my first venture into this type of work, but I want to try a couple of other forms I have in mind. I think it will complement the altarpieces and I have had a couple of nibbles on the proposal, so there should be at least a couple of pieces done before they get a public airing.
December has already given us a couple of 50 degree days, so we are easing into winter or the end of the world whichever comes first. I have done some beachwork and have some new stone laid up for this weekend as the weather is supposed to be conducive. Until then...

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