On the verge of Spring, but is it really Spring if Winter wasn't really Winter? Last week it was in the 60's every day and this week it is supposed to be even warmer. Trees are already budding and I can say I do not recall such an early and warm Spring in all of the years I've been on this planet. This begs the question of how we are going to pay for this...or perhaps we already have.
Today on the morning news I listened to Rick Santorum claim that one of the things that seperated him from the other buffoons running for the Republican nod was that he didn't believe in the Global Climate Change myth. He may have a hard time convincing his opponents that the whole thing is a science conspiracy, like evolution, gravity and other far-fetched schemes. Does a day go by when a big piece of idiocy doesn't drop out of that guy's mouth? Anyways, its been a nice start to Spring.
Did a lot of work collecting stone down on the beach this weekend and while at it, I did a little piece just to get a break from lugging 30 pound stones down the beach. No storms in the last two weeks have kept my current stone pile safe. By the mid April I may be able to start planning the next big work. This first piece looks better horizontally, but for some reason the blog-picture device keeps turning it on its side. I'm sure there is a way to correct that, but it is beyond my understanding at this point.

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