Despite the Equinoctial cavorting of the sun, Winter seems loath to abandon its grip. This week we have had 5 consecutive days without topping 25 degrees and with lows in the teens. This is no way to welcome the Spring. On a weekend, waterfront walk, I shot some nice
icicles...say that 5 times really fast. And if it wasn't for the sun and the crystal I would be cursing the weather gods, because my endurance of the cold is wearing thin and without the beauty, there would be nothing to recommend this last week. I finished another bigger painting this week, 2' x4' in size and pretty complex. I continue to play with white and on this piece, I really liked the result. I think this one is more successful than the last one in doing what I wanted it to do, but I'll have to spend some time away from it before I can make a final call. For three weeks or so it was pretty consuming, so I can't really see it just yet, being still immersed up to the eyeballs. I submitted it to the Spring Show, which I have not had much luck with as of late, so if it doesn't get in, the time away will be enough to clear my head I would imagine.

I also did a second little piece from some fungus images I shot on
Presque Isle a while back. I like the result and the colors feel nice. I wonder if Georgia O'Keeffe ever did anything with fungi. It seems to me to be a natural direction for her to have gone.

The weekend's weather is redeemed by some beautiful teeth of ice biting the shoreline.