The second event of interest was an earthquake. These occur with a little less regularity in Erie, but it is the third one that I have experienced since living on the lake. This one was the strongest and longest of the bunch. I would guess that it went for at least a minute.
Now I'm not an apocalyptic conspiricist, but I find it a little alarming that an earthquake could occur so close to the solstice. If the solstice is the 21rst and the earthquake took place at 2:00 and you reverse 21 and you get 12, drop the zero from 2:00 and you put the 2:0 in front of the 12, get rid of the colon and you get 2012. If that is not proof that the world is going to end, I don't know what is. Coincidence you say? You would have to be blind not to see the portents. You see, the epicenter was in Ontario. What? you can't see the connection. Look at the word...O-n-t-a-r-i-o. What does the first syllable sound like to you? Ont...ant..ent...end...End! now do you see? And that isn't all. What about the rest of the word? Tario...right! Get it? Ontario-End earth. I rest my case.
With doom impending, I just want you to know that I am not giving up on my futile efforts to stack stones in some interesting configurations. In fact, maybe I will watch the end from atop the new project.
Here is how things look as of the solstice. I don't know exactly where it goes from here, but what stands at this point are two towers of stone about 8 feet tall. I've left a little gap between them and leaned the right stack in a bit.
The circular tower from previous pictures has now fed the project as has most of the old stonewave. There is a four foot tall wall about twenty feet long that is all that remains of the previous manifestation. The beach remains very thin, with most of the sand sitting about fifteen feet offshore. We'll see how the summer progresses.