Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Textpedition

A busy Spring-Easter break. A lot of good weather kept me on the beach trying to move the Wave towards completion. The photograph below is where it stands at the moment. I have been working on the left side tower. I've been adding a couple of courses as I find the stone.
Also, the painting is the most recent of the Pattern recognition pieces. Some ice and wood images combined to see what the results would be. Also did some walking in the woods to find some new textures to start playing with in the next painting. A succesful textpedition as there were some pretty cool things to see. The light in Erie is just starting to come into its own and it was really bringing out some of the color from its long winter hibernation. Some nice blues, greens and oranges have returned, like spring birds. I'll begin work this week.


Jessica said...

This texture series is coming out so splendidly!
Can't wait to see the show ;)
Oh! And stone wave isn't looking too shabby either...
Hope all is well, and only slightly chaotic.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous series of photos.