Not much to report of late with the new project. Weather has made it difficult to work. The last break we had was early in January and I was able to do a little stacking and the form of this work started to take shape. The central portion has an embedded "bench" and is flanked by leaning stacks of stone.

I lay some very nice slabs as the bench surface and got a few courses placed on top to hold it in place and then the snow started and it just hasn't stopped for days and the cold has been pretty harsh. The end result is all of the stone is buried under a foot or two of snow and the top of the project is also covered in snow. So I can't really work until some of the snow goes away and I can get at the stones and the top is cleared away a bit so that I can stack them.

In the mean time, although I haven't been able to work, the weather didn't deter somebody from vandalizing the sculpture. When I went down Sunday to see what the work conditions were like, I could see that somebody had ripped the bench stones out. I don't know what they did with them as they were probably close to 100 lbs. apiece. They may have just thrown them to the ground, but I couldn't see because of the snow cover. It was also clear that they had done further damage to the wall that is next to bench. I don't know what people get out of doing this? Whether it makes them feel special in some way, I don't know, but I had hoped that this kind of stupid behavior was through for the winter and I wouldn't have to worry about things until the spring. Go figure.
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