Thursday, December 18, 2008

Shiftiing Stones and A New Form

The year is coming to a close and in Erie it has been a grey end. Already the sun has become a stranger. It looks like we are in for a long cold haul. The solstice approaches and with it some time off from work that might lead to some extended hours at the beach so I have that to look forward to.
I've started a new large scale project out of the ruins of last summer. I 'm not so sure where I'm heading with it just yet, but I began with this square of stone above. I began to push the top off of the vertical a couple of inches in each course until it began to lean. I liked what was happening with the other attempts at leaning forms and gapped forms.

Unfortunately every day that I worked was either rainy, sleety or otherwise slate-colored so that the photos look like they were taken without the benefit of sunlight or color. It has just been sucked out of the landscape. It's a convention of earth tones around here right now. In the background you can see the storage wall for the stone which will slowly become smaller as the project grows.
After the initial square was planted I began a second platform that was quadrilateral, but the south line of it was bowed a bit. This platform was spaced about 4 inches from the original square and it followed the lean of the original square.
I don't know for sure where this gap is going to go just yet. Whether it will recurve or bend back I can't say for sure. I suppose the final height of the platforms will determine that. I like the way the tree on the bluff behind the sculpture bends along with the gap in the picture below.
Since these photos were taken I have added a few more courses, laying in the seat stones. These are long stone planks that are relatively flat on the upper surface that make a pretty good surface for sitting. I am toying with the idea of having a sitting space incorporated in the form.

There has been some significant stones wash up in the last week or two, so I've benefited from donations from the lake both stone and stick wise and I hope to integrate a bit with this piece.

Here is a view or two of the second platform. The next time I go down I'll begin the third platform and by that time I'm hoping the final shape and scope of the thing will become more apparent. In the mean time, have a nice solstice.

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