This week has brought some bad news for the Stonewave. The owner of the property has finally made an appearance...metaphorically, (it was actually a phone call). I had hoped that no such creature existed, be he has demanded the destruction of the Wave. I'll deal with that bad news in a later post. I do want to thank all of the people who have stopped by and lent their support, not just this week, but all along. It has been a great help in dealing with the disappointment that the project will remain unfinished. But as I said, I'll deal with all of this in a later post. For now I want to share some pictures courtesy of the Rossetti's. My records of earlier attempts are not available for posting at this time, but he made me a disc with some of his pics that turned out pretty well and so thanks and with no further ado....
The first pic is of one of the first attempts...short-lived, humble, but it gave birth to more ambitious plans.
The second is a shot of the first really big piece. This one actually made it through the winter before falling in a spring storm.
This one is the third of the tower structures and by far the biggest. I had to make a staircase in order to work on the upper portions. The next photo shows things a little further along just before it got wiped out. I kind of liked this one.
The last picture is the Stonewave from last Fall...a nice touch of color in the foreground courtesy of some sumacs. Bravo nature!
The demolition of the Stonewave has begun and I'll try to post it sometime soon.