So March, which can usually be counted on to give us a break from the cold, snowy monotony of December, January and February, has failed miserably on that count. In fact it is being a bit of a douche bag. I biked to work on the morning of March 1 in 40 degree weather, road home in a steady rain and ten minutes in the door the rain turned to snow on the prow of a Nor'easter that was pounding the coast and 8 hours later we had 10 inches of snow and no power. The wind and weight of the snow took down trees all over town like a lumberjack on meth.
This is a tree in my front yard bowing to the rising sun the morning after, followed by a picture of a thirty five foot long spar of a silver maple that snapped off of a giant tree in the back yard and pitched head down in the yard held up by some power lines. Spectacularly beautiful, this storm, but deadly for people along the coast of New England.
Since this storm we've had two more and we are really close to having over 200 inches of snow which beats the old record by quite a bit. Go big or go home I guess.
Finished a couple of paintings while waiting for the weather to break. On the train to Colmar this summer I was intrigued by this field of sloping yellows and this is what came out. Homer could take a diagonal and turn any landscape into an adventure. Lessons learned or at least attempted. Two versions trying to work some bugs out...don't know if I did, but I do like the end result.
This version has been altered considerably since the photo was taken.