It has been a long while since I posted anything, but it can be blamed on the fact that I have spent a lot of time this summer making. Now that I have been sentenced to hard labor, I will be able to catch up a bit on what has been going on.
Last night I went down to the water to spend some time on one of my last days of freedom. It was a pretty bizarre set of atmospheric conditions that evening. Offshore several miles out was a rainstorm

that stretched across about one third of the horizon while the setting sun, wrapped by this rather etereally spooky shroud of haze worthy of Joseph Turner or Casper David Friedrich was on one side of the storm and blue sky on the other. At some point the storm came ashore right where I was working and gave me a bit of a soaking, but the whole time this strange gold sunlight was shining on everything. Once it got wet, the result was quite interesting. So here are two photos of this gilding. The first is the current state of the new stonework and the second is an image of a little sketch I was playing with when the rains came.
I nice gift from the lake on my last night of prodigality.